
Must-Try Food Italy is Famous For

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Yes, Italian food is an absolute dream, and there are certain popular dishes in Italy and food Italy is famous for that you just can’t leave without trying! Trying to replicate the feeling my taste buds and body had in Italy by dining at Stateside Italian restaurants has only left me unsatisfied and checking flight prices to hop my ass on a plane back to Europe.

A lot of these dishes contained ingredients that I don’t normally care to eat, but if there’s a time to be adventurous with your appetite, it’s during travel. I had so much amazing food on my Italian vacation. Here’s a list of some of the most popular food Italy is famous for! Ready to indulge?

1. Carbonara

This pasta dish’s main components are egg, cheese, pancetta, black pepper, olive oil, and garlic. My Couchsurfing host made this dish for me the first night I arrived in Rome.

I’m not normally too into bacon, pancetta, or really, pork at all, but it is very evident that this makes the dish. The pasta was also tossed in grease from the pancetta for even more flavor. This dish is very popular in Italy, especially in Rome.

popular foods in Italy, a heaping pile of plated carbonara

2. Grilled Calamari

If you’re unfamiliar, calamari is squid— another food I’m not normally fond of. Living in America, I never even thought of the possibility of calamari being grilled. I’ve only ever seen it fried. And honestly, the few times I’ve tried it, I did not like it at all.

A friend I was at L’isola Ristorante in Rome with encouraged me to try the dish. It didn’t even look like the calamari I’d seen. It was served whole instead of cut into rings. Had he not told me, I would’ve never guessed I was being served calamari.

Being in a new place, I figured when in Rome (literally), so I squeezed some lemon juice on it and gave it a try, and oh my gosh! It was beyond good.

I’m hoping this popular food in Italy, finds a way to become popular over here in the States. After years of searching I finally just found an amazing restaurant in Florida called Pias in Gulfport that serves it this way!

grilled calamari topped with a lemon cream sauce

3. Pizza

Okay, duh. But you can’t just try it once here. There are nearly 10 different styles— don’t you think it’s only right you try them all to determine which you like best?

When going to a pizza place in Rome that only sold whole pizzas, I was a little concerned. However, the pizza here was so extremely thin that if you folded it up, it’d pretty much equate to a slice! And they don’t skimp on the toppings here.

I got a pizza near the Trevi Fountain at Piccolo Buco that was very thin in the middle but had a bubbly crust (this kind was my favorite!). The moral of the story: don’t just try one slice of pizza here and think you’ve had all Italy has to offer. You’re just gettin’ started.

a cheese pizza with a fluffy crust, easily one of the most popular foods in Italy
Piccolo Buco pizza

4. Cacio e Pepe

Cacio e Pepe means cheese and pepper. It’s another pasta dish, of course, and it’s so simple, yet so bomb. It’s interesting (maybe it’s just me), but all my life, whenever I’ve made a pasta dish, I like a decent amount of sauce.

I don’t want to be able to see the color of the noodles. I want them coated. But Italian pasta dishes are so much lighter when it comes to what’s on the pasta. The ingredients are simple, but the flavor is so good.

cacio e pepe, one of the most popular foods in Italy

5. Gelato

Italian ice cream is another given. I’m sure you already know gelato is one of the most popular foods in Italy. I must’ve had a gelato a day while in Italy. There are so many dang flavors!! Each place has its own selection, so don’t be shy about asking to sample before pulling the trigger on a flavor.

Rice pudding and tiramisu seemed to be popular flavors in Italy. Tiramisu I enjoyed, but rice pudding was not my thing. If you’re in Rome, Giolotti is the oldest and most well-known ice cream parlor there and is worth a stop.

an array of gelato flavors in a cafe shop in Italy

6. Limoncello 

Limoncello is an Italian liqueur traditionally served after dinner as a digestivo. It is made from lemon zest, water, alcohol, and sugar. The lemons used to make limoncello aren’t just any lemons, though— they are Sorrento lemons. I had no clue lemons could even get as big as they do in Sorrento— they were the size of my head!

You can find limoncello anywhere in Italy, but if you go to Sorrento, you have to visit Limonoro Sorrento! You’re swept away by a couple of lighthearted, playful Italian men the second you walk in. Every time you turn, someone is presenting you with another sample of some sort.

They don’t just stop at limoncello. They also offer lemon cream (my personal favorite), meloncello, sugared almonds, chocolate-covered coffee beans, chocolate-covered pistachios, chocolate-covered candied lemon and orange rinds— the list goes on.

But they give you so many free samples and everything is so good that there’s no way to leave empty-handed. They have beautiful glass bottles for the liqueurs, but if you want to bring some home with you, they also have travel-safe plastic bottle options as well. I definitely brought home a few!

huge lemon from Sorrento Italy used to make limoncello

7. Gnocchi

Gnocchi is like little Italian dumplings! Who doesn’t love dumplings? You can dress these guys up any way you like! Italian restaurants normally know what they’re doing, but if the dumplings come with a rich cheese sauce and you prefer a tomato-based sauce or want something lighter (like butter and herbs, for example), then request it— they are typically very accommodating.

No matter what sauce you enjoy, I am sure it’s going to taste delicious on these little guys.

8. Lasagna

I am going to give you very specific instructions for this one. If you are staying in Florence, there is a half-day tour you can do which includes a sunset in Siena and Chianti dinner in Tuscany. (I won’t go into detail about the tour here, but just know there are a lot of really good tours that go out of Florence.) Siena was lovely, but by far the best part of the tour was Chianti.

We were served many delicacies at Tenuta Torciano, one of them being their homemade, family-recipe lasagna. It contained veal, which almost made me order the vegetarian option, but I hadn’t yet had lasagna in Italy, and I thought I could possibly pick around it. To clarify, I couldn’t. But I didn’t need to.

It was the best lasagna my mouth has ever tasted. I was in shock at how good it was. I didn’t think it could get any better, but after one bite, they came around and poured truffle oil on top of it. Y’ALL!!! After coming home, I tried to replicate the recipe (minus the veal), but I failed miserably. If you get the chance to explore this vineyard, make sure you include dinner with the tour!

I honestly don’t know if I would expect lasagna to be on my list of popular foods in Italy normally, but after this experience, it had to be.

Popular foods in Italy lasagna
Yes…I took a bite before getting the picture. No self-control.

9. Cappuccino

If you’re a coffee lover like me, then it only makes sense that you snag a cappuccino in the country it was invented in! While non-flavored coffee drinks have never quite been my thing, after getting multiple blank, confused stares when asking what flavors places had for their cappuccinos, I decided it was time to get with the Italian program.

Because of the way that Italians craft their coffee and the pride they take in it, I can understand why they want it to be unadulterated by artificial flavors.

Many places top it with some cocoa powder and bring you some white and brown sugar as well. I enjoyed adding a little bit of brown sugar to mine! As a bonus, some places even give you little cookies or treats when you order a cappuccino! 🙂

an Italian cappuccino with some mini cookies
This is at La Villa Risto-Bar. Stunning views, delicious coffee, and bonus treats!

10. Wine

Duh, right? It’s only one of Italy’s major food groups. Before visiting Italy, I was a little put off by wine. I seemed to get the worst headaches every time I drank it. When traveling through Italy, they didn’t have many liquor options, so it was pretty much wine, beer, or limoncello, so I went with wine. And ya know what? I didn’t have headaches the next day! (Check out my blog post on other surprising things I discovered during my European travels.)

So, I know what you may be thinking: “Oh, because they don’t have sulfites in their wine!”

Dwight from the Office saying false meme

I thought that too, but in doing a little research, it turns out sulfites are a natural byproduct of winemaking. In Italy, it doesn’t state on the bottles “contains sulfites,” because they are not required to (in the US, however, we are).

Some winemakers do add more than the naturally occurring to help preserve the wine. While there still seems to be some controversy on what the cause of headaches in American wine and the lack thereof in European versions are, most are in agreement that sulfites are not the culprit. If you’re a real wino, you may be interested in this fun post I found that debunks some wine myths!

enjoying one of the most popular dishes in Italy...a glass of red wine at a Vineyard
You have to agree a glass of wine is one of the most popular dishes in Italy 😉

A few tips when trying these famous food dishes in Italy

Make sure when trying the famous food in Italy you go off the beaten path. Sometimes, places in the more touristy areas aren’t as authentic as some other options. A general rule is if there’s a menu outside with pictures, it’s probably a tourist trap. Do your research, and if you encounter any locals, don’t be shy to ask for recommendations!

One of the best pasta dishes I had was at a spot called Pastificio Guerra, which is in a somewhat touristy area near the Spanish Steps in Rome. Each day, they have two different pasta options. You pay $5 for a container full of pasta, and it is truly authentic Italian and so good. There aren’t any places to sit in or outside of the place— ya just grab and go. I ate mine while exploring. 

The point is you can find some good places in touristy areas. Just do your research, and know the signs of a restaurant being a tourist trap!

Are you ready to experience these iconic dishes that Italy is famous for?

Anyone who’s been to Italy will rave about the scenery and the culture, but the real MVP? The mouth-watering good eats, from creamy gelato to fresh calamari. If you have the chance, I hope you get to slow travel through Italy and really savor every bite and get to enjoy these Italian dishes as you should. Slowly and with good company!

Did I leave out a favorite dish you’ve had in Italy? Tell me what I need to try next time I visit! And be sure to follow me on Insta @guidedbydestiny for more travel inspiration 🙂

dishes to try in Italy


  1. Catherine @ To & Fro Fam says:

    It was such a mistake to read this post on the best Italian foods on an empty stomach. Now my stomach is rumbling! I especially want some lasagna. Also, I wholly agree that gelatto is a must on every trip to Italy. When I went, I ate it every day!

    1. destinysnyder says:

      Haha it’s hard to pass all the gelato shops and not be tempted enough to get one! And I know I ate pasta within an hour of me posting this lol, I couldn’t get it off of my mind

  2. Alexandra Booze says:

    OMG this had my mouthwatering and longing for another trip to Italy!! Their food sunlike any food I have ever had in the world. Thanks for this memory!

    1. destinysnyder says:

      It really is unlike any other, so good, and so different than what I expected! Glad I could help 🙂

  3. Jean-Marie says:

    Awesome post!! I enjoyed reading this! Surprised to hear America don’t do grilled calamari! The size of that lemon was insane. Thanks for sharing, I hope to be able to use your tips one day when I get to visit Italy! (I now have such cravings for all of these wonderful things!)

    1. destinysnyder says:

      I’m sure we do do grilled calamari, I have just yet to find it haha. It’s not very common but I’m sure some more upscale places may offer it. I’m on the hunt though! I hope you get to visit one day and try them all too 🙂

  4. These are such great tips and suggestions! I can’t wait to travel to Italy some day so I can try all of these dishes, especially the carbonara and gelato! Also, I loved the Dwight meme lol

    1. destinysnyder says:

      Haha, gotta love The Office! And don’t forget to try ALL the gelato flavors when you do lol.

  5. Wow, I have had almost all of these dishes and I have to agree with you! I’ll never forget my first lasagna in Italy had peas in it and I was so confused 🙂

    1. destinysnyder says:

      Oooh, intriguing! I love when random veggies are thrown into things! Spinach would be yummy in lasagna too I think!

  6. We were supposed to go back to Italy this European summer – you’re right, there’s so many delicious Italian dishes to try! And yep – totally agree, wine is absolutely a major food group.

    1. destinysnyder says:

      Oh no, hopefully you can go back as soon as all of this is over. I’m dying for another trip myself, fingers crossed for next summer/fall for me.

  7. All of the YES!!! If food isn’t the best reason to travel, I don’t know what is. And great tips too. I always try to walk at least a street or two away from the main tourist drag when looking for a restaurant to eat at. I was never a fan of gnocchi before until I had good gnocchi. Now I love it, and even took an Italian cooking class so I can make it at home

    1. destinysnyder says:

      Ah that’s awesome! I think now may be a great time for me to take a virtual cooking class and step up my Italian cooking skills! And I couldn’t agree more, if you aren’t indulging in the food culture during travel you’re definitely missing out on half of the fun and experience!

  8. Chrissy K says:

    I love Cacio e pepe. Great post! I am super hungry now and craving everything you listed.

    1. destinysnyder says:

      Haha sorry for that! And yes, cacio e pepe, so simple, but so dang good!

  9. Wow! You made me so hungry after reading this. I cannot wait to go back to Italy and savor these amazing dishes. 🙂

    1. destinysnyder says:

      haha me too girl! Dreaming of the day I go back

  10. Great post! 80% of my diet consists of Italian food, so I can relate to many of these. I would love to try limoncello, I haven’t had the pleasure of trying that one yet, but it sounds delicious. And of course, who could visit/eat Italian food without a little wine?

    1. destinysnyder says:

      Oh my! Yes, you definitely have to try limoncello! And speaking of wine…I think I’ll have me a glass now haha.

  11. Krystianna says:

    Great post! I visited Italy for a week last spring while I was studying abroad and the food was definitely amazing. I ordered bruschetta and carbonara every change that I got! I also really enjoyed the focaccia bread pizza that you could purchase from street vendors. 🙂

  12. simplyjolayne says:

    It is a good thing I walk a lot on vacation. I don’t worry about indulging in Italian dinners and treats. Gelato at least once a day is a must-have.

    1. Haha right?! I’m the same way! Definitely let myself indulge on vacay, and that is an absolute must! 😉

  13. I went to Italy and I love it there. Thanks for the awesome post. I love the lassana! Also, I had to get the gelato too!!

    1. Destiny Snyder says:

      Yay! I’m so glad you loved it! And ahhh I know so much good foood!!

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